The 26th annual Haitian Studies Association conference will be held at
University of Notre Dame from November 6-8, 2014.
This 26th annual conference—Migration, Crossing Boundaries, Paths
Forward— will highlight the centrality of migration and border crossing.
It will explore the impact of distances and tensions in shaping the
lives of Haitians across continents. We will also reflect on the
relationship of Haitian immigrant communities with the home country
as well as notions of diasporic consciousness and identity during
waves of migration to diverse geographical locations. Haiti’s role
in the history of the African Diaspora, and the impact that Haitian
immigrant communities have had on immigration policies, race
relations, and transnational studies in general, will be highlighted.
We will further examine how Haitian immigrant communities have
negotiated power and resources in foreign lands and taken
advantage of educational and economic opportunities while maintaining
strong ties and allegiance to Haiti.
We encourage proposals from the academics spectrum of : Anthropology,
Arts, History, Cultural studies, Economics, Ecology and Environment,
Education, Digital humanities, Geography, Global Health, History,
International relations, Law, comparative literature, Media studies,
Musicology, Philosophy, Post-colonial Studies, Public Policies,
Political Science, Religious Studies, and Sociology.
Further participation will also be drawn from an interdisciplinary
collaboration across natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities
with the goal of exploring what works, best practices, evaluation and
models for understanding, supporting, empowering, and accompanying
Haitians’ endeavors to thrive in areas of housing, education and health.
We invite you to submit your proposal (s) in accordance with the
submission guidelines that are provided on the conference Call for Papers.
The deadline for proposals has been extended to: May 31st, 2014.
This 26th annual conference—Migration, Crossing Boundaries, Paths
Forward— will highlight the centrality of migration and border crossing.
It will explore the impact of distances and tensions in shaping the
lives of Haitians across continents. We will also reflect on the
relationship of Haitian immigrant communities with the home country
as well as notions of diasporic consciousness and identity during
waves of migration to diverse geographical locations. Haiti’s role
in the history of the African Diaspora, and the impact that Haitian
immigrant communities have had on immigration policies, race
relations, and transnational studies in general, will be highlighted.
We will further examine how Haitian immigrant communities have
negotiated power and resources in foreign lands and taken
advantage of educational and economic opportunities while maintaining
strong ties and allegiance to Haiti.
We encourage proposals from the academics spectrum of : Anthropology,
Arts, History, Cultural studies, Economics, Ecology and Environment,
Education, Digital humanities, Geography, Global Health, History,
International relations, Law, comparative literature, Media studies,
Musicology, Philosophy, Post-colonial Studies, Public Policies,
Political Science, Religious Studies, and Sociology.
Further participation will also be drawn from an interdisciplinary
collaboration across natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities
with the goal of exploring what works, best practices, evaluation and
models for understanding, supporting, empowering, and accompanying
Haitians’ endeavors to thrive in areas of housing, education and health.
We invite you to submit your proposal (s) in accordance with the
submission guidelines that are provided on the conference Call for Papers.
The deadline for proposals has been extended to: May 31st, 2014.
Call for Book Chapters
Vodou: I Remember
The Idea of Vodou in Haitian Thought, Literature, Music, and Art
edited by Celucien L. Joseph and Nixon S. Cleophat
Deadline: May 23, 3014
Since its creation in the New World, arguably, it can be said that the Afro-Haitian Religion of Vodou—as a “Haitian genius”—has been represented as an “unsettling faith” and even a “cultural paradox” throughout Haitian history—from 17th century colonial Saint-Domingue to 21st century postcolonial Haiti—as expressed in Haitian literature, thought, law, politics, painting, and Haitian art. An “idea” of Vodou has emerged from each of these cultural symbols and representations, and intellectual expressions. The Vodouist discourse not only pervades every aspect of the Haitian life and experience, it has had a momentous impact on the evolution of Haitian intellectual, aesthetic, and literary imagination as well as on Haitian theological discourse. In addition, with the emergence of and great interest in Haitian studies in North America, the need to explore all dimensions of the Haitian life and writing, particularly of the Haitian religious experience in Vodou, is critical and important for current and future scholarship, as well as for students of culture, history, and religion.
Consequently, we would like to invite interested scholars and writers to contribute a book chapter to a new volume tentatively called Vodou: I Remember: The Idea of Vodou in Haitian Thought, Literature, Music, and Art. This project is interdisciplinary both in nature and content. The goal is to explore how Haitian writers, artists, cultural critics, intellectuals, and theologians have imagined and engaged the Vodou religion and spirituality, and correspondingly, constructed their own ideas of the Afro-Haitian Religion. The emphasis of this volume is on “the idea and representation of Vodou.” The contributor should be mindful of the cultural, socio-economic, and political context which gave birth to different visions and ideas of Vodou. The book is divided in four parts as follows: Part I:Vodou and Haitian intellectuals and cultural critics, Part II: Vodou and Haitian Women, Part III: Vodou and Haitian Theologians, and Part IV: Vodou and Haitian art, painting, (folkloric) dance, and music (mizik rasin ["roots music"]).
If you would like to contribute to this important volume, along with your CV, please submit a 300 word abstract by May 23, 2014, to or
Successful applicants will be notified before the end of June. We are looking for original and unpublished essays for this book.
a small axe event
5 December 2014
Barnard College / Columbia University
New York, NY
Deadline for proposals: 1 June 2014
The transformation of the academy by the digital revolution presents challenges to
customary ways of learning, teaching, conducting research, and presenting findings.
It also offers great opportunities in each of these areas. New media enable oration,
graphics, objects, and even embodied performance to supplement existing forms of
scholarly production as well as to constitute entirely original platforms. Textual artifacts
have been rendered literally and figuratively three-dimensional; opportunities for
interdisciplinary collaboration have expanded exponentially; information has been made
more accessible and research made more efficient on multiple levels. Scholars are called
upon, with some urgency, to adapt their research and pedagogical methods to an academic
climate deluged by a superabundance of information and analysis. This has created
opportunities for open-ended and multiform engagements, interactive and continually
updating archives and other databases, cartographic applications that enrich places
with historical information, and online dialogues with peers and the public.
The need for such engagements is especially immediate among the people of the
Caribbean and its diasporas. Information technology has become an increasingly
significant part of the way that people frame pressing social problems and political
aspirations. Aesthetic media like photography and painting—because they are relatively
inexpensive and do not rely on literacy or formal training—have become popular among
economically dispossessed and politically marginalized constituencies. Moreover, the
Internet is analogous in important ways to the Caribbean itself as dynamic and fluid cultural
space: it is generated from disparate places and by disparate peoples; it challenges
fundamentally the geographical and physical barriers that disrupt or disallow connection;
and it places others and elsewheres in relentless relation. Yet while we celebrate these
opportunities for connectedness, we also must make certain that the digital realm
undermine and confront rather than re-inscribe forms of silencing and exclusion in the
In this unique one-day public forum we intend to engage critically with the digital
as practice and as historicized societal phenomenon, reflecting on the challenges
and opportunities presented by the media technologies that evermore intensely
reconfigure the social and geographic contours of the Caribbean. We invite presentations
that explicitly evoke:
- the transatlantic, collaborative, and/or interdisciplinary possibilities and limitations
- of digital technologies in the Caribbean
- metaphorical linkages between the digital and such Caribbean philosophical,
- ethical, and aesthetic concepts as "submarine unity," the rhizome, Relation, the
- spiral, repeating islands, creolization, etc.
- gendered dimensions of the digital in the Caribbean
- the connection between digital technologies and practices of the so-called
- Caribbean folk
- specific engagements with digital spaces and/or theories by individual Caribbean
- artists and intellectuals
- the ways in which digital technologies have impacted or shaped understandings
- of specific Caribbean political phenomena (e.g. sovereignty, reparations,
- transnationalism, migration, etc.)
- structural means of facilitating broad engagement, communication, and
- accessibility in the Caribbean digital context (cultivation of multilingual spaces,
- attentiveness to the material/hardware limitations of various populations)
Both traditional papers and integrally multimedia papers/presentations are welcome.
We also welcome virtual synchronous presentations by invited participants who cannot
travel to New York City to attend the event. Selected proceedings from this
forum will be published in the inaugural issue (September 2015) of sx:archipelagos –
an interactive, born-digital, print-possible, peer-reviewed Small Axe Project publication.
Abstracts of 300 words and a short bio should be sent to Kaiama L. Glover and
will be notified by 1 August 2014.
4th international conference on Caribbean Studies
Theme: Looking to the Caribbean: Gender and Caribbean Studies
When: Nov. 6-8 2014
Where: Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Abstract Deadline: July 31, 2014
Papers may be presented in English, French, or Spanish. Abstracts should not be more
than a page long and should include paper title, affiliation, address, telephone number
and email. Presentations are limited to 20 minutes and a panel/session will be composed
of a maximum of 3 presenters. Proposals for panels/sessions should be no more than 2
pages long and should include title, brief explanation of the session, title of each
presentation, and information of each participant.
If you are interested in presenting in Spanish or English send abstracts electronically (in a
Word document) to: or to
French abstracts should be sent to:
Inaugural Maney/Romance Studies ESSAY PRIZE For Early Career
Maney Publishing and Romance Studies are pleased to announce an
inaugural prize for best essays submitted by early career researchers
in the areas of French, Hispanic, Italian, and Portuguese cultures.
Founded in 1982, Romance Studies is an international, fully refereed
journal devoted to the study of the Romance literatures and cultures.
With a distinguished advisory panel representative of leading research
across the disciplines, the journal is a forum for both established
scholars and new scholars worldwide.
One of the founding principles of Romance Studies is to promote the
work of young colleagues. The journal will thus award two £200 prizes
to recognize the work of researchers in the areas of French, Hispanic,
Italian, and Portuguese cultures who have been awarded their PhD between
July 2009 and July 2014. A selection from among the top-ranked
submissions will be published in the journal.
Essays may be written on any topic or era related to the study of
the Romance literatures and cultures and may be submitted in the
appropriate Romance language or in English. They may emanate from
anywhere in the world. The material must not have previously been
published and must not be under consideration for publication
elsewhere. All essays published in Romance Studies are subject to
double-blind peer review.
Submission deadline is 31 August 2014. Manuscripts must conform to
the house style of Romance Studies and are not to exceed 6,500 words
including notes. Please see full details about submission protocol at:
Essays must be accompanied by a cover email message indicating the
year and university granting the PhD. Essays will be read and ranked
anonymously by a committee of leading scholars in the field.
For questions or to submit essays, please write to:
Mr John Hall, Journal Secretary
Haiti: la résistance en mots et couleurs, appel à contributions pour la revue
Les articles proposés seront orientés sur plusieurs axes pour tenter de restituer la richesse
et la variété des composantes artistiques haïtiennes dans son expression picturale et littéraire :
et la variété des composantes artistiques haïtiennes dans son expression picturale et littéraire :
· Lecture haïtienne de sa propre Histoire
· Littérature et politique
· Littérature de la diaspora
· Représentations iconographiques au carrefour des influences (révolution, chrétienté, vaudou…)
D’autres approches peuvent également être proposées. Les articles seront suivis d’un
résumé en trois langues : français, anglais et espagnol avec des mots-clés et une courte
notice biographique. L’ensemble ne devra pas excéder 35 000 signes (notes et espaces inclus).
La date limite d’envoi est fixée au 1er septembre 2014. Le comité de lecture se réunira
la première semaine de septembre et les résultats seront communiqués aux auteurs le 8 septembre.
résumé en trois langues : français, anglais et espagnol avec des mots-clés et une courte
notice biographique. L’ensemble ne devra pas excéder 35 000 signes (notes et espaces inclus).
La date limite d’envoi est fixée au 1er septembre 2014. Le comité de lecture se réunira
la première semaine de septembre et les résultats seront communiqués aux auteurs le 8 septembre.
Les propositions seront à envoyer à Bernadette Rey Mimoso-Ruiz
Institut catholique de Toulouse
31 rue de la Fonderie BP 7012
F 31068 Toulouse cedex 7
Et aux adresses électroniques suivantes :
La publication est prévue pour novembre 2014 aux éditions Lethielleux
11ème édition – 2014
Le CIFORDOM lance la 11ème édition
du «Prix Littéraire FETKANN ! Mémoire des pays du Sud, Mémoire de l’humanité ».
L'édition 2014 du Prix Littéraire FETKANN ! est ouverte !
Dépôt des candidatures du 1er mars au 30 septembre 2014
Le Prix Littéraire FETKANN ! est ouvert à tous les citoyens du Monde quels que soient leur origine, leur âge et leur nationalité. Il comprend quatre catégories :
- Prix FETKANN ! de la Mémoire ouvert aux auteurs édités ou non, il récompense un ouvrage de fiction ou documentaire.
- Prix FETKANN ! de la Recherche ouvert aux étudiants inscrits dans une université francophone et aux chercheurs confirmés, il récompense un travail de recherche.
- Prix FETKANN ! de la Jeunesse ouvert aux auteurs mineurs et aux auteurs d’ouvrages destinés aux jeunes, sans limite d’âge, il récompense une œuvre de fiction ou un essai.
- Prix FETKANN ! de la Poésie ouvert aux auteurs édités ou non, il récompense un recueil de poèmes.
Marie Saint-Louis
Communication et Relations presse
Prix Littéraire FETKANN !
Tél : 06 60 42 85 28 – Courriel :